Smart Storage: Organize Spices & Seasonings
Orii's Ingenious Platforms & Containers Offer Do-It-Yourself Customized
Spice Storage Solutions for Every Taste
The frustration of rummaging for the seasoning or spice in the rush to get dinner on the table. Controlling the kitchen chaos sometimes seems out of reach or just too complicated to keep straight even for the hyper-organized. Orii to the rescue with two brand-new spice and seasoning organization platforms specifically conceived and created for spice and seasonings that maximum use of minimum space no matter the size, scale or limitations of counter, pantry or cabinet.
Breaking free of space constraints, the stackable glass Orii Mono Blocks and streamlined Orii Pods break the bounds of the traditional spice jar setup by showcasing intelligent – and stylish – design and storage options. Exceptional, practical functionality pairs with aesthetic appeal for all tastes and situations for the accomplished, everyday or novice cook, and any storage limitation. A modern, clean design distinguishes the sets with two color options (sophisticated grey and white or a vibrant lime-green accent) .
About the Orii Spice Blocks
Functionally intuitive, the sleek Orii cubes stack in combinations directed by the user. Each Orii single block jar holds a just-right 4 oz. of spice or seasoning. A tray option is available that securely nests each see-through glass mono block on the base. The patent-pending design is ideally suited for easy stacking or re-stacking in various setups as cooking and kitchen prep needs change from meal to meal.
Artfully-designed, these re-imagined spice jars are space-saving building blocks ideally suited to constructing a personalized spice and seasoning array -- making a custom seasoning library at one’s fingertips. Prepping an outdoor barbecue? Stack the salt, peppers, garlic salt, or favorite herb rub in adjacent rows for quick access. Want the baking spices handy in one group? Consider it done. Hope to make the Thanksgiving meal prep easier with so many cooks and dishes competing for space and spices? No worries. The options and opportunities to create and re-create the perfect spice or seasonings set are boundless in this clever, user-friendly set design. Each mono block is screw-sealed with an airtight lid, and the crystal-clear glass cube showcases the contents and levels. Stir or spoon contents per preference, straight from the jar.
A range of Orii block options are available (see companion release) including tray options suited for stacking. A grid on the tray separates each block. From that base, neatly stack individual blocks to fit space or need. The rubberized base grips securely to the countertop or pantry/cabinet shelf, and all components are dishwasher safe.
About the Orii Spice Pod
Orii’s Spice Pod is a re-imagining of what a spice jar can – and should – be. A slim, compact cylindrical pod is a marvel of design and engineering. A crystal clear, impact-resistant SAN window port eases visibility of the spice or seasoning contents. The bulk of the spice inside is housed in the interior of the pod to ensure lasting flavor, color and freshness. Snap cap removes; simply sprinkle for light dispensing or remove secondary hood top for measurement pour or for larger quantity dispensing. Multiple options offered, including: carousel (16 pods) or the Orii stacking vertical stand (fits eight pods in individual insert cavities for immediate access).
Anastasia Mickelson & Associates, Inc.
Mickelson & Associates, Inc.